B45, School of Computing and Communications
Lancaster University
United Kingdom
tel: +44 (1524) 510391
email: p.angelov@lancaster.ac.uk
Prof. Angelov (PhD '93, DSc '15) holds a Personal Chair in Intelligent Systems at Lancaster University and is a Fellow of the IEEE, ELLIS, IET, AAIA, HEA. He is a Program co-Director of the Human-Centered Machine Learning for ELLIS and was Vice President of the International Neural Networks Society (INNS) for two terms (2017-2020) and member of the Board of Governors of the Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society (SMC-S) of the IEEE as well as of the INNS for several terms during the last decade. Prof. Angelov has 400+ publications in leading journals, peer-reviewed conference proceedings, 3 granted patents, 3 research monographs (published by Springer, 2002 and Wiley, 2012 and Springer, 2018) cited over 17000 times with an h-index 65. He is international leader in AI area (ranked top 0.2%: 731st out of 399066 researchers in AI worldwide) according to Stanford University's "Top 2% Scientists" list https://topresearcherslist.com/Home/Profile/779110 ) with over a dozen of highly cited papers (https://www.scival.com/overview/citations?uri=Customer/315028/Researcher/634137 according to Web of Science). He has an active research portfolio and internationally recognised results in the area of explainable and interpretable AI and machine learning (ML), extraction of knowledge from data including data streams. He leads numerous projects (including several multi-million ones) funded by UK research councils, EC, European Space Agency, DSTL, GCHQ, industry. His research was recognised by multiple awards including 2020 Dennis Gabor award "for outstanding contributions to engineering applications of neural networks". He is the founding co-Editor-in-Chief of Springer’s journal on Evolving Systems (recipient of the 2020 and 2024 Editorial Excellence Awards) and Associate Editor (AE) of several leading international scientific journals, including IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on AI and others. He gave over 30 keynote talks and co-organised and co-chaired over 30 IEEE conferences (including several high profile IJCNN), workshops at conferences such as CVPR, NeurIPS, ICCV, ICML and other leading conferences. Prof Angelov is the founding Chair of the Technical Committee on Evolving Intelligent Systems within the SMC-S of the IEEE and chaired the Standards Committee of the Computational Intelligent Society of the IEEE (2010-2012) initiating the first standard in the area of computational intelligence by IEEE (FML, standard 1855-2016) and currently, the IEEE standard on explainable AI (XAI), IEEE2976WG, https://sagroups.ieee.org/2976/. He was also a member of International Program Committee of over 100 international conferences (primarily IEEE).